Without sounding like just another voice in all of this craziness, y’all, I just want to give a quick update on this ever-evolving COVID-19 situation – and it’ll be quick, I promise.
Until further notice, Pro Motion Chiropractic will be operating as normal.
We’re in a crazy time, y’all. There is a TON of uncertainty and fear floating around right now… AND, there is a TON of love, quiet steadiness, and resolve floating around right now. Personally, my family and I are choosing to stay as positive as we can during this time – and enjoying a bit of extra family togetherness right now. Y’all know me – I’m totally honest with you about these things and I’m not going to lie and tell you that it’s all sunshine and rainbows in my delightfully chaotic household. Screen time is up for my kids. They’re mostly watching educational stuff, but let me be clear – Disney+ is also a godsend currently! Snack foods are being consumed at an alarming rate. We had stocked up to prep for a little Spring Break trip and well, that’s off now… So, snacking away! We’re also playing a ton of made-up kid games. We’re getting outside when it’s not raining. Heck, I’ve had more screen time than usual, too!
So, take a deep rainbow breath. Practice some extra self care. Rest. Come get adjusted – I’ll be in the office for normal office hours. Everyone has been updating us all on cleaning procedures (holy emails, right?!) in their facilities and I’m going to give you our update now. We’re still cleaning all the same things in the same way we always have. We’ve set out some extra hand sanitizer for you, but otherwise, it’s business as normal for us. And we’ve talked about the benefits and immune boosts from an adjustment, so now isn’t the time to rehash that, but come get adjusted! Stress depletes us faster than almost anything else can, so take some time to destress.
Sending you all love and healing and peace! Click here to schedule your adjustment!
Dr. Jamie
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