Hi! Hello! Hey there!
I’m Dr. Jamie – and it’s been awhile since I’ve said hi! If you’re new here, welcome! If you’re not, well, welcome to you, too! I’m so glad you’re here! I just want to say THANK YOU for being so awesome and letting me part of your care.
So, like I said, I’m Dr. Jamie, and I’m married to a pretty amazing guy – his name is Courtney. Fun fact: we’ve been together almost 20 years and he’s my high school sweetheart. I know, I know, right?! But, he’s awesome and really cool and dang good looking, I think! Court is a Professional Engineer – which means I have no idea what he does! Kidding, I promise. He designs all sorts of systems for buildings and companies and does a lot of work with We have 2 crazy human children and 1 furkid named Syd. The human people are Skylar Grace who is 5 and Tristan James who is rocking 2. Both of our kids are little chiropractic superheroes and you may see them around the office here and there generally terrorizing everyone in the best possible way. They’ve both been adjusted since they were a few hours old and are super healthy and fun. Ask me about them and I’ll talk about them forever! I’m a gazillion percent biased, but I think they might just be the coolest, goofiest, most fun kids ever. I’m a runner, a sometimes crossfitter (yes, it’s a word, I say!), a wife, a mama, the BIRTHFIT Dallas Regional Director, a business owner, a wine drinker, a pisces, and I generally aim to radiate sunshine and good vibes out into the world.
I became a chiropractor after doing a few other cool jobs here and there in my previous life. My husband and I sat down one night (maybe there was wine involved?) and had a long talk about what I really wanted to do in life – and what was going to make me happy forever. My background is sports medicine and I knew that I wanted to do something to help people. We’re pretty crunchy around our house and not huge into just taking a pill for this or that and that factored in for me in a HUGE way. So, here we are today! Chiropractic care got me through my first (and the subsequent 5!) marathon feeling great and I love the long term health benefits of it!
As trite as it may sound, I LOVE what I do! I have the best patients in my office – seriously, y’all are amazing humans. I get to interact every day with families that are so interesting and unique. I learn something almost daily from the families that I care for and I hope that I’m able to teach them something about their health, too!
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