Happy back to school time! Whoa. Wait a sec. Already?! Yes, it’s true. And while I’m not trying to rush summer out or hijack anyone’s last few days of fun, I just want to plant this bug in your brain before the true back-to-school rush hits! Any, maybe, just maybe before we all lose our minds running around trying to get these cuties ready for the next year of education and knowledge.


Just for a second, I need a minute, please. My oldest is starting kindergarten in a week-ish and, even though I’m in a super great place about it all and so happy, I’m kind of freaking out a little right now! When did she get so big?! How is she in REAL school?! Yikes! Does this get easier, sweet mamas with bigger kids than mine?! Ok, I’m done now, I promise. But feel free to send hugs and love my way, please! And I’ll give them right back!


Backpack safety for our kids. It’s a thing. We look at 2 things, mostly – weight and fit. Then we factor in the “important” things like looks and gadgets! Kidding, mostly. I know my kiddos both LOVE the things they’ve put onto their backpacks and zippers.


Per the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child’s backpack should weigh no more than 10-20% of their bodyweight. Did you know that?! For my almost kindergartener, that’s in the 4-8 pound range (feel free to check my math – I’m not that kind of doctor, ha!). That’s not very much, is it?! I feel like her lunch weighs that some days when she asks for soup or something else that needs to go into a thermal container. Wow! For most kids, backpacks shouldn’t weigh more than 4-15 pounds. Experts suggest that if a backpack can’t be lightened to get a rolling bag.


A backpack should fit high and snugly on a child’s back. We should all always wear both straps, and the bag should not bounce on our booty as we walk – so make sure you’re getting one that is properly sized for your child’s frame. Cuteness aside, when a bag doesn’t bounce, the weight doesn’t shift around as much and challenge our postural muscles as much. Challenged postural muscles often lead to back pain, which is not fun for anyone!


I’m always happy to check your tiny people’s backpack fits – and to see those cuties in the office for a back to school adjustment! Give me a call and we’ll get you right in!



Dr. Jamie