Hi! It’s May! It’s actually May 4th, sooooo… Happy Star Wars Day, everyone!
Wow. We made it to May. Hasn’t this year been so weird and strange and long and crazy and weird? Yeah. That’s totally how I feel, too.
As Texas opens back up, I’m taking a look at our life through a new lens. What do things look like for my kids now? What do we actually do right now? Has life really opened up or changed? Do I start running errands with them again? Maybe. Maybe certain places. Probably some places. Probably some playdates in the coming weeks. I know they’re ready for it for sure. I know I am too! Honestly, though, I’m not totally sure what the answer is yet. And I think tomorrow things could change again – that’s certainly how it feels right now to me. Without getting into all of the hot-button issues and political minefields here, I’m just going to say that, for now at least, I think it will be a day-to-day choice for us – this what to do and where to go or not. We for sure did our part on the staying home, limiting necessary trips out, boosting our immune systems, extra handwashing, protecting those around us, and generally just staying in our house and backyard – and now that it has been over 50 days (rather than the original 14 days), we’re starting to lose it and NEED to get out and interact with other humans. We’re not designed to be isolated as a species. My family is so happy to have done our part to support our healthcare system and other essential, vital workers – and we will continue to do so, but also need to interact and naturally bolster our systems through socialization and contact with germs and people. Don’t mistake this as me saying that we’re going to be neglecting our handwashing and such, but know that it’s time to get out as you feel safe.
As for my office, we will continue to see you wonderful humans, love on you, and respect whatever safety measures and boundaries that you feel comfortable with. This means that we’re keeping the waiting room empty, so please text 214.693.5410 when you arrive and park – wait in your car until we text back saying that we’re ready and cleaned up for you. This is one way that we can ensure that things are staying extra clean for you and your people. If you’re wanting to wear a mask and or gloves, that’s cool. If you’re not, that’s cool, too. We mean it about respecting your boundaries and safety measures. We are excited to see you in the office again as wellness patients – and, if you have been working from home and now just feel wonky, start putting you back together! Please go online to schedule – or call to have a conversation about scheduling!
I can’t wait to see you again!
Dr. Jamie

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