It’s almost Spring Break! Woohoo!!!
Oh. Wait. We’re parents. We’re the ones making the travel arrangements and driving all night and all of that. Shoot.
But, hey! It’s almost spring break!!!
(Side note – growing up in southern California, Spring Break was always in late March or early April, NOT early to mid-March like it is in Texas. My birthday is in mid-March, so moving to Texas and having Spring Break around my birthday was like an extra birthday present!)
Does Spring Break mean travel for you and your people? Now that Sky is in “big kid school” as we lovingly call it, we’re joining the masses driving someplace for a little slice of this craziness! We do love to just hop in the truck and go, but there are just a few health things that we make sure to have with us at any moment!
Our family doesn’t leave home without these things:
- My homeopathic remedies – I generally carry this small kit (like, everywhere daily!), but for longer trips, I throw this one in a bag.*
- Activated charcoal – this is fantastic for upset tummies and making toothpaste in a pinch (ask me how I know!)*
- Probiotics – I take them out of the bottle and put them into some sort of smaller container (glass bottles seem risky to me!) and only take what we need plus a few extras.
- Calendula cream & bandaids – this seems kind of silly, right?! But don’t bandaids make everything better when you’re under 7?! We adore the ones from the dollar area of Target, weirdly enough! They’re awesome, stick well, and are adorable!
(* The links I provide are just places that I buy from and love – they don’t have a clue who I am in most cases and I’m not associated with them or getting anything back! I just want to be super honest with y’all!)
I really think that’s the basics as far as being well goes on trips for our family. We tend to be pretty low maintenance when traveling – plus we always know that we’re not traveling to Outer Mongolia or anyplace like that and we can always get anything we desperately need!
What does your family NEED to have??? Let us know, please!
Dr. Jamie

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