*Originally, I had planned for April to be a shift into some new and fun topics for us all… but, in light of this whole pandemic situation, we’ll just save that shift for May or June or whenever it feels right, ok? So, onward – sticking with self care and why it is so damn important, no – it is so damn VITAL right now.
Y’all. I’m just going to say it. Right now, we all need MORE self care than we are getting. Yes, more. Yes, we’re still talking about this one. And we will be for awhile, I think.
We’re living in unprecedented times right now – this global pandemic has us in a place that we have never actually been before. Many of us are sheltering in place by city and county ordinances. Many of us are working from home – while our children are home as well and needing guidance and constant attention. We have been thrown into a situation that is both unknown and crazy stressful here – even if nothing has really changed for you (mams of tiny tiny humans, I see you!).
Much of the discussion in my house has centered on “what’s next?” Court and I are both firm believers that this will pass – maybe like a kidney stone, slowly and painfully, but it will pass. The after is what has us very concerned and curious – what does normal look like? We are both extremely concerned for the economic fall out and seemingly impending recession – as we should be as small business owners. The overarching theme around here within that “what’s next” framework, though, is the mental health fallout after this. Certain children’s hospitals are reporting increases in child abuse cases, likely due to the strain of COVID-19 restrictions. Liquor stores, in Texas at least, have been deemed essential businesses – and I have MANY thoughts on that one too, but that’s for another day! – and I read something today that said consumption of alcohol and drugs were increasing daily. These combinations could and very likely will turn deadly in many cases.
I am so afraid of the mental health repercussions of all of this isolation and fear mongering, y’all. It scares me more than any illness ever could. I am so very afraid for our society’s mental health in the coming months, and honestly, years as we recover from this global shut down.
This right here is why I am shouting about self care from the rooftops almost daily. Stress leads us to dark and scary places… mentally and physically. (Confession time – I’ve worked out more during this 3 weeks thank I have in most of 2020 – because it’s a 30 minute session of me time, and also, I’ve been having more wine than usual, so I’m trying to offset that a little. Cringe-worthy for me to admit to you and the interwebs at large? Yup. But I am admitting it for sure – it’s the truth!) How do we combat some of that stress? You guessed it – more self care. More deep breathing. More time outside – in a safe, socially distanced manner, of course! More sleep in many cases. More water therapy – drinking water, baths, showers, tears, etc. Yes, I said tears. Tears are mostly water and are incredibly cathartic at times. More physical activity.
It’s simple stuff, but that doesn’t automatically mean easy, my loves. We need to be deliberate about the time we take for ourselves and make it part of our routine – whatever that routine looks like currently. For me, at this point in time, carving out deliberate self care time looks like getting up 45 minutes before my crazy children people, having coffee and morning reading time, getting kids set up with breakfast and heading out to the garage to workout with them riding bikes and playing in the driveway (our driveway is gated, don’t worry!), and later on, taking a shower by myself. The 3 little things are basically non-negotiable for me… and may extend to a glass of wine at the end of the day! They may sound downright awful to you and that is 100% alright. Tell me what you are doing for deliberate self care?
Stay well, y’all! I love you much!
Dr. Jamie
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