You’re doing great, mama.
You are. Yes, you. You’re a rockstar.
Take a deep breath. Like, a giant, cleansing, deep all the way down to your toes breath. Now blow that out. Now do it 2 more times.
There. Isn’t that so delicious?! (I think so too!)
We live in such a busy society, don’t we? And with all of the connectedness of social medias, we have actually managed to lose so much connection with other humans. And, as a mama, that can be so tough to navigate – who do we ask for advice from without fear of being made fun of or worse? Who can we confide in when we just don’t know the answer that everyone else seems to just have in their brains? Here’s the thing – you NEED a tribe. And it can be online or in person, but NONE of us just have all of the answers. YOU have answers that I don’t have, believe it or not – it’s 100% true.
I just want you to know that you are amazing. And I want you to know it. Down deep in your bones. I ask my kids all the time if they know that Court and I will always love them – do they know it down in their pinky toe? In their belbow? (<– 100% one of those words that Skylar started saying when I would adjust her when she was tiny and we’d do side posture… she would say “now, I roll here and I grab my belbows and you ‘just me!” and I just seriously can’t let it go!) In their ear bones? So. Do you know that you are amazing all the way down into your toes?
Know it. Feel it. Breathe it in while you breathe the doubt out. You are a magical moonbeam rockstar.
Dr. Jamie
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