It’s here, y’all! It’s July (ok, fine, tomorrow is July!) – and you all know that means that it’s time for our first Healthy Habits Challenge.

Why the heck have I have been talking so much about healthy habits and starting them (or resetting them)? Well, a ton of reasons, honestly – and it’s not 100% unselfish! I noticed in June that I had fallen out of a few of my favorite daily practices and needed to pull things back to my normal. Since I bring myself and what’s happening in my family into the office all the time, I chatted about this personal challenge I was taking on with more than a few of you beautiful humans and a trend emerged! Many of us have been in all sorts of transitions (end of school into summer, moving homes or jobs, travel, loss of a family member, just to name a few) and a simple challenge sounded like a great idea – so, here we go!

This challenge will be simple: pick 3-5 healthy habits that you would like to get back to or start in your life and let’s track them for 31 days. That’s it. You pick them and you track them. And I want to know what they are so that I can cheer you on. And, if you do awesome, you can win a prize – because prizes always make things more fun!

The details!

  • July 1-31
  • Pick at least 3 but no more than 5 healthy habits to track
    • Ideas for these things (can include but not limited to these!): drinking water (like 80 oz daily), walking 2 miles each day, getting adjusted 1 time per week, spending 60 minutes daily outside, sleeping 8 hours, less screen time (put a number on it!), not drinking, daily step count, reading daily, cutting soda, praying or meditating for 10 minutes…
  • Write them on your tracking sheet – download it here:
  • Send me a picture of it!
  • Yes, the whole family can do this! My kiddos are choosing to drink 3 bottles of water (their insulated ones are 16 oz each, so that’s what they picked!), being outside 60+ minutes, and reading for 15 minutes – they picked ‘em and they’re excited as heck about them!
  • On Aug 1, when you send me your completed picture, you get entered into a drawing for some cool prizes! AND the kiddos do too! No, the prizes for grownups and kidlets are not the same, so don’t worry, no grownup is getting a box of sidewalk chalk (unless that’s what you really want, in which case I love you more and can make that happen!)

I can’t wait to see what challenges you take on! Tell me what you’re going to do in July!


Dr. Jamie