Wow, how are we halfway through this year already?! I feel like some days it’s more like “how are we only just half way through 2020” but either way – whoa. We’re there. Wow. Hasn’t this year been crazy?
So, we’re halfway through 2020. How are you feeling? How are you doing? As my dear friend Kelli would say: “Hey, give me a pulse check here, please.” Tell me what’s good, y’all. Tell me what’s new and exciting!
As I’m sort of reflecting on the first half of this year, there’s a whole lot of crazy and stress… but also, a lot of good. For my family, we had a few projects get completed (who knows if they’d have ever gotten done!), we had some fun times together, SG learned to ride her bike, we watched a whole lot of movies as a family, and cooked some super fun things! I (like everyone else) had plenty of stress and a few mama meltdowns, but learned how to better deal with them and take better care of myself to avoid getting crazy rundown and losing my you-know-what. So, all in all, not overly terrible.
Your turn – what’s been bad? What’s been good? What’s been amazing?
Office Safety Updates!
So you know what we’re doing to keep you as safe as possible as we continue to navigate our current pandemic situation.
- Continue to wait in your car and text when you arrive. We’ll text you when Dr. Jamie is ready for you and has the office cleaned up (and the fumes from the amazing sanitizer have dissipated a bit!) This allows minimal time in the waiting room and minimizes contact you have with anyone else as you’ll walk straight back to the office.
- Sanitizing all surfaces touched between every patient. We’re using an awesome sanitizer made by a local distillery (it smells a little like college for some of us, ha!) that’s 80% alcohol and CDC compliant. This means we may be slightly delayed, but we’re scheduling to minimize your wait.
- Everyone is required to wear a mask right now, unless you have a condition in which you cannot for health purposes. We’re all wearing them too – so look like Shadow and wear yours right!
- If you’re not feeling well, please call or text to reschedule your appointment. Normally, this might not be the advice that we would give, but given our current circumstances, please call or text to reschedule. We’ve been super forgiving on the no-show fees for the last few months and will continue to be.
Y’all, we know this situation is pretty crazy. We’re all doing our best to roll with it, as you are. It’s hard – this day-to-day uncertainty and everything else that’s going on. Please know in your bones that we are here to take care of you in the best way that we can. For some of us, that looks like holding space for you to chat for an extra few minutes – and for others that looks like stopping regular care for now. Both are perfectly alright (more on that later though!). We’ve all got to do what we’ve got to do to keep our families healthy and safe – and make choices that we can sleep on at night, right?!
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns or just want to say hi! We miss your faces and your sweet families hugs in a huge way! We love you all and are here when you’re ready to come in!
Be well, y’all!
Dr. Jamie
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