What day is it? What month is it? Where the heck am I? What the heck is going on?


This has been going through my head A LOT over the past few weeks, no, let’s be real here, months. (I keep saying things like “oh, last week…” and then realizing that it actually happened in March or April and was over 6 weeks ago or something!)


So, back to the real reason I’m asking these questions… Yikes! A few Sunday nights ago, I was rushing around like a crazy person and gathering up laundry from all over the house and it hit me all at once: I DON’T HAVE TO DO LAUNDRY ON SUNDAY NIGHTS/MONDAY MORNINGS. I’ve been clinging to this notion of my routine that I’ve had since the beginning of forever, which includes massive amounts of laundry getting done by noon-ish on Monday each week.


Y’all, life has changed A TON over the course of 2020. And, let me just tell myself here: it is 1000% alright to be flexible and change up my normal routines. Did you need that too? Good. I’ve been so stuck in this rut I’ve carved out for myself that I think I’ve created more stress – the need to get all the things done on their designated day or time, when life is just a little crazier now. Which, typing it, makes me feel silly, honestly.


You know I’m all about shortcuts and cute phrases to help my brain remember all the things, and this one have been saving my life right now – GRACE. It’ s been more like “For the love, Jamie, give yourself some freaking GRACE today” when I remind myself in my head – or out loud, but maybe this acronym will help you too, with regard to routines and schedules and changes form our pandemic.


G – Get clear on the task.

R – Ready your workspace.

A – Apply a time limit.

C – Carry only one task.

E – End that session well.


This is from Emily P Freeman’s amazing podcast – The Next Right Thing Now, she was talking about it with regard to creating a work routine/daily schedule and how that’s been thrown off since March because it’s just not relevant right now, but I’ve seriously been applying this to many many things – and it’s helping me a TON! Now, am I still doing laundry on Sunday or Monday? Yeah, I am – but I’m sure as heck not stressing so much about it or how many time I’m running the dishwasher or how I’m going to get a post like this written. Even thinking “GRACE” is giving me a deep breath and helping a ton!


What’s saving your life a little right now?



Dr. Jamie