Y’all, I did a thing earlier this month. After years of using products here and there, I joined BeautyCounter as a consultant! I’m so excited – and can’t wait to share some safer skincare and tips with you.
You know me – I’m not sales-y in any way. So, this was kind of a weird feeling choice for me, honestly. But, I absolutely love sharing things that I’ve learned and I love finding things that are good for you, and also, fun! Enter BeautyCounter!
Why did I choose this particular company?
- BC has a list of over 1,800 ingredients that they WILL NOT use in products. That’s nearly 2,000 banned ingredients. With all of the toxic chemicals in all of our skincare and makeup and body products, we absorb a ton of things we shouldn’t be every single day. I counted one morning, and by 9 am, without even wearing any makeup, 16 things had touched my skin – soap, shampoo, face stuff and all the rest. That’s a lot! I want to treat my largest organ well and safely – and this giant list contributes to that self-care!
- The products that I’ve tried, I’ve ended up LOVING. They work, they’re good, and they come in pretty packages (which I learned are also environmentally sound!).
- It’s an empowering company – all about lifting others up, particularly women. Which you know I’m ALL ABOUT. I want to build up other women and be their cheerleader and help wherever I can. This company is allowing me to do that.
- I feel that BC doesn’t send fake messages – you know, the kind that we see in mainstream media all day “you’ll be beautiful when you lips are THIS perfect color” or “your skin needs to be like XYZ to be perfect and beautiful” These kinds of messages are NOT OKAY in any way, in my opinion. I don’t wear much (ok, any, most of the time!) make up, but when I do, I want it to be awesome, fun, and easy – and because I WANT to wear it that day. To me, BeautyCounter is all about taking the best care of your skin and then going from there. And this helps me in the messaging that I’m trying to implant deeply into my children – you are beautiful and wonderful and do not need anything to make you “better” in any way.
So, there you have it. You’ll see some things in my office that you can try – and even borrow! If you’re already wanting to try anything, you can always shop here anytime you want! If you want to have an event or pop-up to earn some fun free things, let me know!
Be well!
Dr. Jamie
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